Did you know that most veterans qualify for acupuncture outside of the VA under the Veterans Choice Program?
Mar Vista Acupuncture is an authorized provider under the program. When you speak with the referral manager you can ask to be referred to Foster Ryan, at Mar Vista Acupuncture. The provider identification number is 1306036256 in case they need it.
Acupuncture helps with the following aliments, illnesses or disorders for Veterans
The VA can send you to a Choice provider for the following conditions. They may refer you out for others, but these are the most common. Ask your VA primary provider to refer you for acupuncture for any of these conditions, and more:
- Pain associated with an illness or injury
- Nausea and Vomiting after an operation
- Nausea and Vomiting related to chemotherapy
- Knee Pain from Osteoarthritis
- Low Back Pain
- Depression or other Mental Health concerns
- Substance dependency

How Can Acupuncture Help You with (issue here)
Acupuncture can help eliminate or relieve pain and its underlying causes for these conditions, as well as supporting your general health. At Mar Vista Acupuncture we use acupuncture and other methods to activate your body’s natural healing resources to stimulate the body to repair itself. Many have found it to be extremely effective.. Acupuncture stimulates the immune system and increases bloodflow as well as stopping pain.
2. What if I think I am eligible?
Call the VCP Call Center at 866-606-8198 or visit the Veterans Choice Program website to verify eligibility and set up an appointment here.
3. Can I call my non-VA doctor to make an appointment?
No, please call the VCP call center at 866-606-8198 to verify eligibility and set up an appointment.
4. How is the 40 mile calculation determined?
This calculation is based on the driving distance from your permanent residence (or active temporary address) to the closest VA facility, including Community-Based Outpatient Clinics and VA Medical Centers. You are eligible if you live more than 40 miles driving distance from the closest medical facility that has a full-time primary care physician.
5. If I am eligible for the Veterans Choice Program, can I receive Beneficiary Travel for travel to appointments with a VCP provider?
Yes, the Choice Act does provide funding to pay for travel to VCP providers for Veterans who are eligible for Beneficiary Travel. However, it did not provide any new Beneficiary Travel eligibility.
6. If I didn’t get my Choice Card or I lost my Choice Card, what do I do?
You do not need your Choice Card to access the VCP. If you didn’t receive a Choice Card or lost your Choice Card, simply call 866-606-8198 to find out if you are eligible and to make an appointment.
7. How do I get my prescription filled if I use the Veterans Choice Program?
The community provider you see through the VCP can issue a prescription for up to a 14 day supply of a national formulary drug. You may have the 14 day supply filled at any non-VA pharmacy of your choosing.
Prescriptions can be reimbursed through the Business Office/Non-VA Care Coordination Office at VA facilities. This reimbursement may take 30-45 days to process, and requires a copy of the prescription and the original receipt. Veterans cannot be reimbursed at the VA Pharmacy.
For prescriptions needed past 14 days, please follow standard procedures to fill a prescription at the VA pharmacy.
8. If I use the Veterans Choice Program, does that affect my VA health care?
No, not at all. You do not have to choose between the two. The VCP is here to make it easier to access the care you need. VA is building a high-performing integrated health care network to deliver the best of VA and the community. This integrated network will give Veterans more choices to access care and ensure care is delivered where and when you need it.
9. What is my responsibility for co-payments to my other insurance?
Nothing. VA is now the primary coordinator of benefits for VCP, so you are only responsible for your VA copayment. Your VA copayment will be determined by VA after the care is provided. VA copayments will be billed by VA after the appointment.